【同义词辨析】 2019-12-18 摆脱extricate-disembarrass

extricate: implies the use of force OR ingenuity in freeing from a difficult position or situation: a knack for ~ing himself from damaging political rows.   (ingenious聪敏suggests brilliance or cleverness in inventing or discovering敏锐聪明,善于发明发现,如an ingenious coumputer engineer一个聪敏的电脑工程师)

disentangle: suggests a painstaking separation of something from what enmeshes or entangles: a biography that ~d the myth from the man.   enmesh使卷入网中    entangle缠住套住if something entangles itself with another, the two things become caught together very tightly,如the blade of the oar had entangled itself with something in the water船桨的桨叶和水里的什么东西缠住了,entangle的第二个意思是involve表示牵连使卷入陷入,如he became entangled in a series of conflicts with the management 卷入了与管理层的一系列冲突之中,如she didn't want to get entangled (即emotionally involved) with him她不想与他有瓜葛)

untangle: is sometimes used in place of disentangle: ~d a web of deceit.

disencumber: implies a release from something that weighs down or imposes a heavy burden: a science article ~d of scientific jargon.  

disembarrass: suggests a release from something that embarrasses by impeding or hindering: ~ed herself of her frivolous companions.  embarrass尴尬,表示使思维言行受阻implies some influence that impedes thought, speech or action: embarrassed to admit that she liked the movie尴尬地承认她喜欢那部电影)

extricate摆脱: 指脱离困境,用力或用脑,disentangle摆脱解除: 表示费力解除束缚,untangle摆脱解除: 同上,disencumber摆脱: 指解除沉重负担,disembarrass摆脱: 表示解除尴尬阻碍

记忆方法: 1)首字母EDUDD,EDU想成教育,DD想成大大<==《摆脱贫困》   是1992年7月福建人民出版社出版的书名,习近平著,收录了担任宁德地委书记期间讲话和文章共29篇,主要论述如何脱贫致富,加快发展

        2)摆脱的意思是解除束缚阻碍mean to free from what binds or holds back.